最新のインタビュー in ポルトガル語

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11月9日にブラジルで開催される「Planeta Terra Festival」の出演を控えているBeckさんですが、その Terra が Beck のインタビューを掲載しました。最近の貴重なインタビューですがポルトガル語です。ポルトガル語ですったら!
完全にお手上げなので(ま、英語でもお手上げだけど)、いささか乱暴ではございますが、Google 翻訳のリンクを貼っておきます。(オリジナルはこちら

>> “私は音楽を解放するために適切な時期を考え、”ベック氏は述べています

“地球” はインタビュアーである Terra のことです。
少なくとも何について話しているかは分かるかも。Song Reader のこと、Sound and Vision のこと、バンドのこと、Doug Aitken がやってること、最近聴いている音楽について( MGMT のニューアルバムを上げている)などなど…。自身のニューアルバムについては言ってないかー。


Terra – So this is what you have been looking in recent years, pegging their music with a larger project?
Beck – Yes, how to do something unique. Otherwise, you throw a track and it gets lost on the internet, as if it never existed. So, I released these 12-inch discs with just one song. On one side is the original track and the other another version that lasts between 15-30 minutes and call the extended version. Not a remix. It’s like you take a microscope and analyze all the elements of music and then stretch it as much as possible to see where it goes. It’s like a version environmentalized where you put the music and do not necessarily listen to it with attention, but she’s around. When I finish a song, there are probably ten times more ideas that are recorded another song. Therefore, it gives me the opportunity to use all the ideas that do not fit in a range of three minutes, because this song, short, is very specific. You have to show people all that matters. But there are these other ideas that have always interested me and I do all hard they are thrown away. When listening to a disc, know that I recorded these songs with five others, and these extended versions are actually the natural course of music. For me, this is a new form of music.





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