ASCAP、すなわち米国作曲家作詞家出版者協会がすごいキャリアに達したアーティストに贈る ASCAP Golden Note Award に、プロデューサーの Greg Kurstin が選ばれ、Beck がそのプレゼンターを務めました。
めちゃ普段着で横でしゃべってるだけなので Award 感ゼロだけど。久しぶりに動いてる Beck を見たよ。
Award のフル映像はこちら。Dave Grohl と Greg の対談がおも。
ちょっとよく分かってないのでサラッと書いておきますが、The Poetry Bank という詩をシェアする Web サイトに、Beck が3つの詩を紹介しています。( Beck が書いた詩ではないです) icon-arrow-right
I remember hanging out at a get together with Paul and his wife Nancy several years ago and Nancy mentioned that she wanted to go out dancing before calling it a night. After a bit of an odyssey looking for a place, we finally found a bar in Hollywood with a DJ. I remember everybody feeling loose and in the moment—Paul and Nancy were tearing it up and completely enjoying themselves. Last year when he asked me to remix this track, I remembered that night and wanted to channel a bit of the feeling of it— I was thinking of that image of Paul in his groove. There was a falsetto vocal in his original track that made me want to lean further into something loose and funky – I took my Hofner and put down a few bass lines and it fell together from there. After I ’d turned in the remix, Paul called and mentioned he’d been dancing in his kitchen to the track all week, kind of full circle to that night.
そういえば、Gorillaz の “The Valley of the Pagans” のビデオが新しくなって帰ってきました。最初に公開されたビデオはネタ元の GTA から怒られて(とみんな思ってる)4日くらいで非公開になりましたが、この度 GTA 部分をカットして、なんとか誤魔化して、Beck を盛って、こっそりと再公開されましたとさ。